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Вы здесь » НОВОЗЕЛАНДСКИЙ ЗАБОР » КЛАДЕЗЬ ЗНАНИЙ » "Earth Race" Fucked up beyond recognition !!!

"Earth Race" Fucked up beyond recognition !!!

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Znamenitaya "Earth Race"  pytaushayasya postavit mirovoi rekord i obohnut zemnoi shar za 60 dnei na bio-toplive , got fucked in the Phillipino shores ... pognula oba vinta ob debri i vsyakiy musor s palkami v vode ,, ele doplelas do Singapora gde zaparkovalas ryadom s moei yahtoi .. pytaetsya pochinitsya v bystrom tempe , zavtra poidu napou komandu tigerom ,, pushai rasslabyatsya .. :)))

[реклама вместо картинки]



А что это такое "биотопливо",Догги?
Президент России Господин Медведев также неуважительно высказался об этом новом продукте,
обвиняя вчера США,что они очень много средств вкладывали в это топливо,и вроде как ничего и
не вышло.
Кстати 16 Мая на этот кораблик ещё можно будет взглянуть?



судя по картинке этот ЁрсРейс был "Fucked up beyond recognition" еще на верфи..

Отредактировано boo (2008-06-08 02:40:07)



Bio-Toplivo Leshiy eto kogda iz kukuruzy i vsyakih palmovyh delaut toplivo na etanole ,, deshevoe poluchaetsya i bez carbon-dioxida , chistoe ..  Rossiya ponyatno chto neuvazhitelno vyskazyvaetsya , ei nado neft vtulivat po dorozhe a tut kakoe to Bio-Toplivo nah.. 

A vabshe ves mir shas zalupaetsya , tak kak fermery nachali prodavat kukuruzy i ozimye na bio-toplivo a narodu zhrat nechego , goloduha nastiupaet , na Philipinah uzhe pizdets vosstaniya ..

Ne Lesh, v ponedelnik oni planiruut uzhe uebat , im nado rekord pobit' .. esli tolko ya paru cherpakov Ognennoi vody prenesu demonam kotorye im propelery chinyat , mozh oni eshe tut nedelku postoyat :))) 

Da Boo, ty prav,, ona byla postroena v NZ na verfi "Craig Loomsa"   zhret pravda etogo Bio-topliva kak sviniya pomoi ,, no v nee babla vlozhili pizdets , ona vsya Karbonovaya i iz Kevlara sdelana , super legkaya .. nu vabshe ya b sebe ne risknul takuu strashilu stroit .. opyat zhe po teme u kogo to babla do zhopy chto 4-5mln $ roli ne igraet , tak igrushku novuu futuristicheskuu slepit .. Sam ne znau kto hozyain.. no oni na nei uzhe vtoroi krug delaut ..  zavtra pobeseduu :))



ORGANIZATOR написал(а):

А что это такое "биотопливо"

Самому интересно стало.. нащелкал в гугле

The latest generation of fuel filtration technology from Racor Division of Parker Hannifin Corporation is being used on board the Earthrace powerboat. The unique vessel will attempt to set a new world record, circumnavigating the globe on 100% renewable biodiesel fuel, and with a net zero carbon footprint. With engine reliability crucial to the success of this pioneering project, Parker Racor was chosen for its knowledge and experience in fuel filtration, in addition to its global support network, which will be on hand at every step of the vessel's journey. Earthrace begins its world record attempt from Sagunto, Spain, on 29th March, and is aiming to circumnavigate the globe in less than 65 days.

http://www.engineeringspecifier.com/Ind … ttempt.asp

а так хороший блог нашел..

I think it's a good thing that there is a debate about the environmental sustainability of biofuels, but as "Dr Dan" Freeman is quoted as saying in the article "Bio-debatable: Food vs fuel," biodiesel is being unfairly maligned because people are confusing ethanol issues with biodiesel issues and painting them all with the same brush with the now dirty word "biofuels." A lot of the reason biofuels have gotten a bad name is because of the unsustainable way that ethanol is produced in this country- from corn, which is displacing food crops and yielding a marginal greenhouse gas and energy benefit. Also, a lot of attention has been given to biodiesel made from palm oil which is sometimes obtained by cutting down rain forest, obviously not a good thing, yet according to the NW Biofuels Association less than 0.1% of all biodiesel made in the US is made from palm oil (which mostly goes to food and cosmetics). Most biodiesel in this country is made from soybeans, where the oil is a byproduct of generating the crushed meal which is mostly fed to cattle. (This fact alone should have us thinking more about becoming vegetarians than use of biodiesel when trying to come up with solutions to the global food crisis). A major study by the National Renewable Energy Labs states that biodiesel made from soybean oil yields over three times as much energy as required to produce it, and reduces greenhouse gases by 78% relative to diesel fuel production. When produced from waste restaurant oil, other studies have shown a 7 fold energy gain and 90 - 95% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. True there's not enough waste restaurant oil to solve the world's energy needs, but there are other environmentally responsible ways to produce biodiesel too. A farmer from Eastern Washington wrote in to the NW Biodiesel discussion list that the canola oil she contributes to the area's biodiesel refinery is grown on marginal land with minimal inputs and no pesticides and is such a nutritious source of pollen and nectar that it helps the bees recover from the fruit and nut pollination season. Similarly, mustard seed can grow where food crops can not, and the crush yields a natural pesticide.

(пока я щелкал, Догги по сути в целом уже ответил... )))

Отредактировано boo (2008-06-08 05:11:39)


Вы здесь » НОВОЗЕЛАНДСКИЙ ЗАБОР » КЛАДЕЗЬ ЗНАНИЙ » "Earth Race" Fucked up beyond recognition !!!